Siman - Pesachim Daf 66

  • The source that the korban pesach is docheh Shabbos

The opening Mishnah of the sixth perek on Daf 65b teaches that the bringing of the pesach is docheh Shabbos. The Gemara on this Daf seeks the source for this, and brings an extensive Baraisa that one time the fourteenth of Nissan fell on Shabbos, and bnei Beseira, who Rashi explains were leaders of the Sanhedrin (after the death of Shemayah and Avtalyon ), did not know whether or not to shecht the korban pesach. They inquired if anyone knew of someone who was aware of the halachah, and were told that Hillel HaBavli, who served both Shemayah and Avtalyon, knows. When they asked him, Hillel responded, נאמר "מועדו" בפסח ונאמר "מועדו" בתמיד – It is stated, “in its appointed time” both in regard to the pesach and the tamid, from which we learn, that just as the tamid is docheh Shabbos so too the pesach is docheh Shabbos. Furthermore, there is a kal vachomer, that if a tamid, where its non-performance is not punishable with kares, is docheh Shabbos, then a pesach, whose non-performance is punishable with kares, all the more so should be docheh Shabbos. Upon hearing this, they immediately seated him at the head and appointed him Nasi over them, and he was doresh the entire day in hilchos Pesach.

  • בני נביאים הן

The Baraisa relates that during Hillel’s shiur he harassed the bnei Beseira, blaming their ignorance of the halachah on being lazy and not properly serving Shemayah and Avtalyon . They then asked him what the halachah is when one forgot to bring a knife to the Beis Hamikdash before Shabbos, and Hillel responded that he forgot the halachah, and said, הנח להן לישראל אם אין נביאים הן בני נביאים הן – Leave Yisroel to their devices, for if they themselves are not nevi’im they are descendants of nevi’im, and will certainly take the proper course. The next day, they saw a person whose pesach was a sheep, had stuck a knife into its wool and had the sheep transport it, and another person whose pesach was a goat, had stuck the knife between its horns to transport it. When Hillel observed their actions, he remembered the halachah and said he had heard this ruling directly from Shemayah and Avtalyon.

  • The effects of acting haughty or getting angry

Rav Yehudah said in the name of Rav, כל המתיהר אם חכם הוא חכמתו מסתלקת ממנו – Concerning anyone who acts in a haughty manner, if he is a chochom, his chochma deserts him, אם נביא הוא נבואתו מסתלקת ממנו – if he is a navi, his nevuah deserts him. Reish Lakish said, כל אדם שכועס אם חכם הוא חכמתו מסתלקת ממנו – Concerning anyone who gets angry, if he is a chochom, his chochma departs from him, and if he is a navi, his nevuah departs from him. We see that chochmah departs from a chochom who gets angry, from Moshe, where it is written, ויקצף משה על פקודי החיל – And Moshe became angry at the commanders of the army, for preserving the lives of the Midyanite women, and shortly afterwards that it was Elazar HaKohen who gave over the halachos of purifying the keilim captured from Midyan. This implies that the halachah was hidden from Moshe. We see that nevuah departs from a navi, from Elisha, who became angry with Yehoram, Melech Yisroel, and he needed a musician to play music for him to calm him down, so he could once again attain nevuah.