2,022. Prohibited Relationships Punishable Through Lashes

Hilchos Issurei Biah 1:7

All of the other prohibited relationships are punishable by kareis alone and not by execution. Therefore, if there were witnesses and a warning was issued, the court administers lashes because those who are liable for kareis are lashed.

Hilchos Issurei Biah 1:8

If a man is intimate with a woman who is prohibited by a negative commandment, both he and she receive lashes. If they acted unwittingly, they are not liable for punishment. If a man is intimate with one of the secondary relationships, rabbinic law requires that he be given stripes for acting rebelliously. If a man is intimate with a woman who is prohibited by a positive commandment, he need not be punished but the court has the option to administer stripes for acting rebelliously in order to distance him from sin.