Siman - Pesachim Daf 38

  • Maaser sheini re: the mitzvos of challah, matzah and esrog.

Rav Assi said, עיסה של מעשר שני לדברי רבי מאיר פטורה מן החלה לדברי חכמים חייבת בחלה – Dough made from grain of maaser sheini, according to Rebbe Meir it is patur from challah, according to the Chochomim it is chayav in challah. Rashi explains, based on a Mishnah in Kiddushin Daf 54b, that Rebbe Meir holds that maaser sheini is ממון גבוה, considered Divine property, and challah is only taken from one’s personal dough, based on the passuk that states that challah is taken מעריסותיכם – from “your doughs”. The Chochomim hold that it is ממון הדיוט, personal property.

Rav Assi continues that this machlokes regarding maaser sheini between Rebbe Meir and the Chochomim applies to matzos made from maaser sheini, and also to an esrog of maaser sheini, where Rebbe Meir says one cannot fulfill his obligation with them and the Chochomim say that one can. The passuk regarding an esrog states, ולקחתם לכם – and you should take for yourselves, implying that an esrog must be your own. And in regard to eating matzos from maaser sheini, Rava said, and some say it was Rav Yeimar bar Shelemya, that by means of a gezeirah shaveh of לחם לחם, connecting challah to lechom oni, we learn that just as challah must be from a dough that is yours, so too regarding matzah you must eat from matzah that is yours.

  • The source that challos of a Todah and wafers for a nazir cannot be used for matzah

The Gemara seeks the source for the ruling in the Mishnah that stated that חלות התודה ורקיקי נזיר, the loaves of a Todah offering and the wafers of a nazir’s offering, if he made them for himself, he cannot fulfill his mitzvah with them, but if he made them for the marketplace, he can. Rabbah said that the passuk states, ושמרתם את המצות – And you shall safeguard the matzos, מצה המתשמרת לשם מצה – This teaches that only matzah that is guarded from becoming leaven for the sake of matzah may be used to be mekayim the mitzvah, excluding these which are guarded, not for the sake of the mitzvah of matzah but, לשום זבח - for the sake of the offering. Rav Yosef argues and brings a different passuk that states, שבעת ימים מצות תאכלו – Seven days you shall eat matzos, מצה הנאכלת לשבעת ימים – This teaches that only matzah that can be eaten for seven days may be used for the chiyuv matzah, excluding these which are not eaten for seven days, אלא ליום ולילה – but for one day and one night. Baraisos are brought to support each opinion.

  • Why the challos of a Todah and wafers for a nazir that one sells can be used for matzah

The Gemara seeks the reason why חלות התודה ורקיקי נזיר, the loaves of the Todah offerings and the wafers for the nazir’s offering, when made to be sold in the marketplace, can be used for matzah. Rabbah answers, כל לשוק אימלוכי מימלך – One anticipates changing his mind vis-à-vis all the matzos that he makes for sale. The person says to himself, אי מזדבן מזדבן – If they are sold for a person’s Todah or Nazir offering, they are sold, אי לא מזדבן איפוק בהו אנא – But if they are not sold, I will fulfill my chiyuv for matzah with them.