1,993. When the Husband Has Been Promiscuous

Hilchos Sotah 2:8

If a man has participated in prohibited relations from the time he reached the age of majority, then the bitter water won’t test his wife. Even if he was intimate with the woman he betrothed while she was still living in her father’s house, which is only prohibited by rabbinic enactment, the water won’t test his wife as per Numbers 5:31, “The man will be free of wrongdoing and the woman will bear her sin.” We see that the woman will only bear her sin when her husband is free of wrongdoing,

Hilchos Sotah 2:9

Pursuant to the previous halacha, if a man's wife is prohibited to him because of a negative or positive commandment, or even as a secondary relationship (which is a rabbinic prohibition) and he issues her a warning, if she enters into seclusion she is not made to drink. Rather, she is divorced, not paid the value of her kesubah, and she becomes prohibited to him for this additional reason. If a man violates the law and marries a woman who is pregnant from another man or who is nursing her child from another man, then she may drink the bitter water since their marriage is not a prohibited relationship.