The Earliest Time for Birkas Tzitzis

Q. What is the earliest time in the morning that one may recite the beracha on tzitzis?

A. Shulchan Aruch (OC 18:3) writes that the earliest time to recite the beracha on tzitzis is mi’sheyakir (literally, when one can distinguish) between the strings of techeiles (a type of blue) and the white strings. Mi’sheyakir is after “alos ha’shachar” (dawn) and before sunrise, but the exact time is subject to many opinions. Igros Moshe (OC 4:6) estimated that mi’sheyakir is about 35-40 minutes before sunrise. Rav Chaim Kanievsky shlita writes that he personally waits until 40 minutes before sunrise. The Pri Megadim (Eishel Avraham 58:2) writes that he is unsure when mi’sheyakir is, but according to one calculation, it is possible that it is 6 minutes after dawn (66 minutes before sunrise). Many synagogues follow the ruling of Rav Henkin zt”l (Ezras Torah Luach, and Teshuvos Ivra, Siman 3) who allowed putting on Tallis and Tefillin approximately one hour before sunrise.

Rema writes that if the talis was donned immediately after dawn, a bracha may be said even before mi’sheyakir. Apparently, Rema is the opinion that the time of mi’sheyakir is a preference but not an absolute requirement (Aruch Hashulchan 18:7). Lechatchila, the Mishnah Berurah (18:10) recommends following Shulchan Aruch and not reciting the beracha until mi’sheyakir. However, if one did recite the beracha before mi’sheyakir or even if the beracha was recited before dawn, the beracha should not be repeated. This is because, according to some Rishonim (Rabbeinu Tam and Rosh), the mitzvah of tzitzis applies even at night for a daytime garment. Because of this uncertainty, if the beracha was already said, it should not be repeated.


The Gerald & Karin Feldhamer OU Kosher Halacha Yomis is dedicated to the memory of Rav Yisroel Belsky, zt"l, who served as halachic consultant for OU Kosher for more than 28 years; many of the responses in Halacha Yomis are based on the rulings of Rabbi Belsky. Subscribe to the Halacha Yomis daily email here.