Siman - Eruvin Daf 94

  • A chatzeir which is opened into a reshus harabim

The first Mishnah on the Daf states that Rebbe Eliezer holds that  חצר שנפרצה לרשות הרבים - a chatzeir which was completely breached into a reshus harabim, or Rashi adds, an area breached more than ten amos wide, then the chatzeir has the halacha of a reshus harabim, and therefore one would be forbidden mid’Oraysa to carry something from his chatzier into a reshus hayachid or from a reshus hayachid into his chatzeir. The Chachomim disagree and hold that his chatzeir has the halacha of a karmelis, and therefore carrying from his chatzeir into a reshus harabim or from a reshus harabim into his chatzeir, is forbidden mi’deRabbanon.

The Gemara asks why Rebbe Eliezer would consider the chatzeir a reshus harabim if it is still privately owned and the owner has the right to restrict access and concludes that the machlokes between Rebbe Eliezer and the Chochomim was on the מקום מחיצה, the site of the collapsed wall. Rebbe Eliezer considers the area now used by the public as a reshus harabim.

  • A chatzeir which two of its walls break open on Shabbos

The next Mishnah discusses a case of חצר שנפרצה לרה"ר משתי רוחותיו - a chatzeir which two of its sides broke open into a reshus harabim on Shabbos. Rebbe Yehuda says that it is permitted to carry there throughout that Shabbos, but not on the coming Shabbosim. Rebbe Yose disagrees and says that if it is permitted to carry on that Shabbos then it would be permitted to carry on future Shabbosim, and if it would be forbidden to carry on future Shabbosim then it would be forbidden to carry on this Shabbos as well. (The Gemara explains the words of Rebbe Yose on Daf 95a.)

The Gemara asks why the Mishnah discusses a case of two breached walls, as seemingly the halacha would be the same if only one wall was breached and concludes that the Mishnah is discussing a case where the opening is ten amos or less, and שנפרצה בקרן זוית - it is opened in the corner of the chatzeir, and the two walls joining at the corner are breached. If there was only one opening then we would say that the opening is considered a pesach and the chatzeir is not considered to be opened into the reshus harabim, but if the opening is in the corner, it cannot be considered a pesach being thatדפיתחא בקרן זוית לא עבדי אינשי  - people do not make doorways in the corner of their chatzeir.  

  • An achsadra in a valley

The Gemara discusses a case of אכסדרה בבקעה – a roofed structure with four beams and no walls, standing in a valley. Rav holds that it is permitted to carry within the achsadra being that we look at it as if פי תקרה יורד וסותם - four walls extend downwards from the top ends of the roof, thereby enclosing the area with a mechitzah. Shmuel holds that one may only carry four amos within this area. He holds that we do not say פי תקרה יורד וסותם. (The Gemara earlier qualified that Shmuel does not hold of this rule only when all four walls are missing, but he agrees when only three walls are missing that we look at the area as if three walls are extending downwards and creating a mechitzah).