Siman - Eruvin Daf 80

  • A wife contributing to the shituf without her husband’s consent

The Gemara discusses whether a reluctant resident can be forcibly included in an eruv or shituf. ההוא טורזינא דהוה בשיבבותיה דרבי זירא – There was a nochri who guarded over the town’s weapons in Rebbe Zeira’s neighborhood, who refused to lease his rights to the residents in his chatzeir, prohibiting them from carrying. They came to Rebbe Zeira who told them that Reish Lakish said in the name of Rebbe Chanina, אשתו של אדם מערבת שלא מדעתו – a person’s wife may join her family in an eruv by contributing her husband’s food, even without his consent.

Shmuel said that similarly if one regularly contributes to the shituf but one week does not want to participate out of spite in order to prevent the residents from carrying, בני המבוי נכנסין לתוך ביתו ונוטלין שיתופן ממנו בעל כרחו – the residents of that mavoi may enter his home and forcefully take a shituf contribution from him , with his wife’s permission according to Tosefos.

  • If food in the shituf is diminished or more residents are added

The next Mishnah states, נתמעט האוכל – If the shituf food became diminished from the required amount before the onset of Shabbos, מוסיף ומזכה – one may add his own food to complete the required amount and confer ownership upon the other residents, ואין צריך להודיעו – and he does need to notify them, even if he uses their food. Rashi explains that even though the residents must approve of their food for the shituf, consent is not needed in this case since they have already approved of the shituf.

The Mishnah continues, נתוספו עליהן – if more residents were added to the original residents, so that the shituf food is insufficient for all of the residents, מוסיף ומזכה וצריך להודיעו – one may add his own food to reach the required amount and confer ownership to the new residents, but he must notify them and solicit their approval if he desires to use their food. Rashi explains that all of the residents must be permitted to eat any of the shituf food.

  • The amount of food that must be contributed to the shituf

The Mishnah states that the measure of food that must be contributed to the shituf, בזמן שהן מרובין – when the residents are numerous is, מזון שתי סעודות לכולם –provisions equivalent to two meals for one person,כגרוגרת לכל אחד ואחד בזמן שהן מועטין – when they are few, it is food equivalent to the volume of a dried fig for each one of the one residents. Rebbe Yose said, במה דברים אמורים – when are these rules of measurements stated? בתחילת עירוב – Regarding the inception of the eruv when it is originally made אבל בשירי עירוב כל שהוא – but with regards to the remnants of the eruv, any amount is sufficient, and the food need not be replenished for the upcoming Shabbosim. Rebbe Yose disagrees with the Tanna Kamma who said the food must be replenished.

Rav Yehudah said in the name of Shmuel that eighteen residents or more qualify as numerous.