Siman - Eruvin Daf 72

  • When Rebbe Meir and the Chochomim disagree about making both an eruv and a shituf

On Daf 71b a Baraisa taught that an eruv must be made with bread and not with wine. Rashi explained that עירב משום דירה, - an eruv is symbolic of a residence, and a person’s residence is determined by bread and not wine. A shituf on the other hand could be made with wine or bread. Rashi explains that a shituf merges the rights of the chatzeiros and not the houses, and wine suffices to create that merger. Rebbe Meir ruled that it is necessary that a person make an eruv and a shituf, שלא לשכח תורת עירוב מן התינוקות  - in order not to cause the institution of eruv to be forgotten from the children who would say that their fathers did not make an eruv. The Chochomim said that doing only one of them would suffice for that.

Rebbe Nachumi and Rabbah disagreed on what the machlokes was about. One said that when a shituf is made with bread, Rebbe Meir would agree that it suffices for the eruv. They only argue when the shituf was made with wine. The other one said that the Chochomim would agree that when the shituf was made with wine, that an eruv is also required. They disagree only when the shituf was made with bread.

  • Five groups spending Shabbos in a mansion

The next Mishnah states, חמשה חבורות ששבתו בטרקלין אחד – Five groups that spent Shabbos in one mansion, Beis Shammai say, עירוב לכל חבורה וחבורה – an eruv is needed for each group, and Beis Hillel say, עירוב אחד לכולן – one eruv suffices for all of them, unless some of them are staying in separate rooms or upper stories.

Rashi explains that they were divided into five areas in a large room and each area had a door leading to a common chatzeir, which also served residents of other buildings that opened into it. According to Beis Shammai they would require five separate eruvin with the other residents, as well as an additional eruv to carry from one group area to the others.

The Gemara presents a four-way machlokes regarding which type of partition Beis Shammai and Beis Hillel disagree on.

  • Brothers eating at their father’s table

The next Mishnah states, האחין שהיו אוכלין על שלחן אביהם וישנים בבתיהם  - Brothers who eat at their father’s table but sleep in their homes, which Rashi explains to mean that their houses are in the same chatzeir as their father’s, which also includes other residents, צריכין עירוב כל אחד ואחד – they need an eruv for each one if they want to join in an eruv with the other residents in the chatzeir.

The Gemara suggests that the Mishnah implies, מקום לינה גורם – the place of sleep determines a person’s residence, but Rav Yehudah said in the name of Rav that the Mishnah’s case was where the brother’s receive support from their father but do not live there. The Gemara brings a machlokes regarding what determines ones מקום דירה - place of residence. Rav said פיתא - the place of bread and Shmuel said לינה - the place of sleep.