1,919. After the Minor Yavam Grows Up

Yibum v’Chalitzah 5:20

If a minor yavam over the age of nine years and a day old engages in intimacy with his yevama* and then one of his adult brothers is intimate with her, performs chalitzah with her or gives her a get, or if the adult brother performs one of these actions with another of the widows, he disqualifies the minor brother from marrying the yevama. Similarly, if the minor has relations with another of the widows, or if another minor brother of nine years and a day old is intimate with the same yevama or with another of the widows, then this yevama is disqualified to him, the same as when maamar is given twice in succession.

Yibum v’Chalitzah 5:21

If a minor yavam of nine years and a day is intimate with his yevama* and is not intimate with her again until he reaches the age of majority, he must give her a get and perform chalitzah. The get is required because his relations are the equivalent of maamar, and the chalitzah is required to enable her to marry someone else. This is because the intimacy in which they engaged did not completely effect marriage. If the yavam was intimate with her again after reaching the age of majority, then only a get is necessary.

*The intention of the halacha is not to recommend such a thing, merely to address the halachic impact should it occur.