1,917. Two Brothers Who Perform Yibum with Two Widows
Yibum v’Chalitzah 5:16
Continuing from the previous halacha, if a man engages in intimacy with his yevama and then he or one of his brothers performs chalitzah with her or with one of the other widows, the chalitzah is irrelevant. Similarly, if one of the other brothers gave a get to her or to one of the other widows, it is immaterial. It is similarly immaterial if one of the other brothers gave her maamar or engaged in intimacy with her. Once the yavam engaged in intimacy with her, marriage was completely effected and a married woman cannot be betrothed by anyone else. However, if one of the brothers gave maamar to or engaged in intimacy with one of the other widows, he must give her a get, as has been discussed.
Yibum v’Chalitzah 5:17
If two of the brothers perform yibum with two widows of the same household and it’s unknown who did so first, each of them should give a get. The women may then marry others but they are prohibited to the brothers. Accordingly, let’s say that Reuven lives in Jerusalem and he has two wives – one in Akko and one in Tyre. He also has two brothers – Shimon in Akko and Levi in Tyre. If it is heard that Reuven died, it would be appropriate for neither brother to perform yibum until he knows what the other brother is doing, out of concern that he may have already performed yibum. If one of the brothers did perform yibum, he is not made to divorce his wife until it is determined that his brother performed yibum first. If one of the brothers wants to perform chalitzah without waiting to see what the other is doing, he is not prevented.