Siman - Eruvin Daf 24

  • Trees planted in a karpaf

A Baraisa on Daf 23b stated that if most of the karpaf was planted with trees, it is like a chatzeir and carrying is permitted. There is a machlokes Amoraim regarding when this applies:

Rav Yehudah said in the name of Avimi,  והוא שעשויין איצטבלאות – This is true only if the trees were arranged in rows. Rashi explains that planting in rows makes the karpaf a pleasant place to sit, and it is therefore a usable area.

Rav Nachman said,  אף על פי שאין עשויין איצטבלאות – even if the trees are not in rows, it is still a useable area and therefore it is permitted to carry there.

Mar Yehudah visited the home of Rav Huna bar Yehudah and he saw people carrying in karpafs that had trees that were not arranged in rows. Rav Huna told him that he holds like Rav Nachman.

  • Re-enclosing a karpaf for residential use

A karpaf more than two beis se’ah, must be originally designated for residential use in order to permit carrying in it. Rav Nachman said in the name of Shmuel, that in a case of a קרפף יותר מבית סאתים שלא הוקף לדירה – A karpaf that was more than two beis se’ah that was not originally enclosed for residential purposes, and subsequently a dwelling was built inside it, and a door opened from it into the karpaf, in order to make the karpaf as if it was originally designated for residential use, one must פורץ בו פירצה יותר מעשר אמות – make a breach in it that is wider than ten amos, וגודרו ומעמידו על עשר ומותר – and then fence it to restore the breach to no more than ten amos, and carrying is then permitted, because the karpaf has now been re-enclosed for residential use.

Rav Nachman was asked if the karpaf would be permitted through this leniency if they breached an amah of the wall and then fenced in that amah, and then breached another amah next to it and fenced it in, until eventually completely re-erecting a segment of the wall that was over ten amos? Rav Nachman answered that it would be permitted, and he brought proofs of this from cases related to dinei tumah.

  • A karpaf that became full of water

There is a machlokes regarding a karpaf of more than two beis se’ah that was enclosed for residential purposes and subsequently became full of water. The Rabbonon said that it is like a karpaf with plants that was mentioned in a Baraisa on 23b, which is unfit for residential use and is therefore forbidden to carry there. It was said in the name of Rava that it is like a karpaf planted with trees and carrying is permitted. Ameimar said that this is only true if the water is fit for use, which Rashi qualifies as fit for drinking. Rav Ashi said that even if it is fit for use, it is only permitted to carry within it if the deep part of the water, (which Rashi says is ten tefachim deep), does not cover an area greater than two beis se’ah. If it did, then the area would be rendered unusable.