Siman - Eruvin Daf 9

  • קורה משוכה ותלויה

Rav Adda bar Masnah challenged Rava’s position that a korah needs to be on top of the walls of a mavoi, from a Baraisa that states when a korah is משוכה או תלויה- a beam is drawn away from the mavoi (meaning, that the beam is drawn towards the reshus harabim, and not on top of the walls of the mavoi), or suspended above the mavoi (meaning, that its two ends don’t reach the walls), if it is within three tefachim the mavoi is permitted.

The Gemara answers that the case of meshuchah is referring to a korah that is above the walls of the mavoi, but does not reach across to the other side of the mavoi, and the case of a teluyah is where the korah does not reach the walls on both sides. (The Baraisa stated both cases to teach that the principle of lavud not only applies on one side, but it can be applied to both sides simultaneously).

Rav Ashi says that the Baraisa is referring to a case of משוכה והיא תלויה - a single case, where the korah does not reach either side of the mavoi and is also suspended above them, supported by two L-shaped pegs. (The Baraisa is coming to teach that we can apply the leniences of lavud and chavot, simultaneously. (Chavot allows us to view the korah as if it is positioned between the two walls instead of suspended above them).

  • Carrying in front of a lechi

Rebbe Yochanan rejected Rebbe Zakkai’s teaching that the area opposite a lechi or under a korah is judged to be a karmelis in which carrying is forbidden. Abaye said that Rebbe Yochanan only disagreed regarding the area under the korah but he does agree that the area opposite the lechi is forbidden. Rava said that Rebbe Yochanan also disagreed regarding the lechi and holds that is permissible to carry opposite it.

Rava says that his position is derived from a statement made in the name of Rebbe Yochanan that it is permissible for people in reshus harabim or in a reshus hayachid to carry into a makom petur, an insignificant area that is less than four by four tefachim that is between them, (provided they do not afterwards transfer that object into the other reshus). Similarly, the area opposite the lechi is insignificant and people should be able to carry opposite it. Abaye responds that that case was where the makom petur was raised three tefachim above the level of the reshus harabim, which makes it distinct from the reshus harabim. The Gemara continues with Abaye bringing the source for his position.

  • A lechi that cannot be seen from the inside of the mavoi

It was said regarding a lechi, נראה מבפנים ושוה מבחוץ – if it is visible from the inside and flush on the outside, נידון משום לחי – it is judged to be a valid lechi. However, regarding נראה מבחוץ ושוה מבפנים – a lechi that is visible from the outside and flush on the inside, it is a machlokes between Rebbe Chiya and Rebbe Shimon the son of Rebbe whether it is a valid lechi.

The one who says that it is invalid holds the lechi is not fulfilling its primary function which is to remind those in the mavoi not to carry into the reshus harabim. The one who says that it is valid, holds that people in reshus harabim can see it, and even those in the mavoi can see it when they step out of the mavoi.