1,854. If a Man Fell into a Lion Den or a Furnace

Hilchos Geirushin 13:17

If a man fell into a den of lions, leopards or similar animals, one may not testify that he died because it’s possible that they won’t eat him. If he fell into a pit of snakes or scorpions, a furnace or a boiling pot of wine or oil, or if the majority or the entirety of his throat and trachea were slit, then one may testify that he died. This is true even if the person in question got up and ran away because such a person will inevitably die. The same applies in all cases where it’s impossible that a person will live; if he’ll necessarily die soon, one may testify that he died.

Hilchos Geirushin 13:18

If one sees a man hanging and a vulture eating from his body, one may not testify that he died. This is so even if he was pierced with a lance or arrows. However, if one sees a vulture eating from a place that would cause a person to die, such as the brain, heart or intestines, then one may testify that he died.