1,830. More About Who Must Wait 90 Days to Marry

Hilchos Geirushin 11:21

A female servant who is freed and a non-Jewish woman who converts must wait 90 days before marrying. Even if a non-Jewish man and wife convert together, they must separate for 90 days to determine whether potential offspring were conceived before or after their conversion. Similarly, even though the Torah only requires that a woman taken captive in battle be given 30 days, that’s for her own needs; one must still wait 90 days before marrying her in order to determine the offspring’s parentage. The 30 days required by the Torah are included in the 90 days.

Hilchos Geirushin 11:22

A girl who annuls a marriage through refusal need not wait to marry someone else since the rabbinic enactment only applies to a divorcee. Similarly, a woman who has extramarital relations need not wait to marry since she takes precautions against getting pregnant. A woman who was coerced or seduced likewise need not wait to marry.