1,798. Instructions to Write a Get in the Future

Hilchos Geirushin 9:21

Let’s say that a man tells his friend to accept a get on behalf of his wife so that she won’t have to perform yibum. He gives his friend the get but he dies before it reaches his wife. In such a case, the divorce is in doubt. Since most women would rather not be obligated to undergo yibum, the divorce is in doubt even though the get didn’t reach her.

Hilchos Geirushin 9:22

If a man tells witnesses to write a get for his wife after 12 months, or to write a get for his wife and give it to her after 12 months, they should write the get and give it to her after the designated amount of time. If they write it within that span of time, the get is invalid even if they don’t deliver it until after. If they write the get after the designated time but he dies before they deliver it, it is invalid. If it’s unknown whether he died before or after the get was delivered, the divorce is in doubt.