1,788. Giving a Get to Be Effective Later

Hilchos Geirushin 9:1

If a man divorces his wife saying that divorce will not be effected until after a certain amount of time has passed, then divorce is effected when the specified time arrives. This resembles a conditional get but isn’t one. It resembles a conditional get because divorce is only effected when the specified time arrives; it is not a conditional get because one who divorces his wife conditionally has granted the divorce. Here, he doesn’t grant the divorce until the designated time arrives. Because of this, one who gives a conditional get must restate his condition but one who gives a get effective in the future need not, nor must he abide by the other rules of conditional agreements as discussed in chapter 8.

Hilchos Geirushin 9:2

Accordingly, if a man tells his wife, “This is your get but divorce is not effected until 30 days have passed,” she is not divorced until after 30 days have passed. If her husband dies in the interim, or if the get is lost or destroyed, then divorce will not be effected.