Siman - Shabbos Daf 63

  • Wearing weapons on Shabbos

The Mishnah stated that Rebbe Eliezer holds that weapons are considered tachshitin (ornaments) and therefore can be worn on Shabbos. The Chachomim disagree, and say that weapons are a גנאי (disgusting thing), not an ornament, and therefore they may not be worn on Shabbos. Their proof of this is that we find a prophecy that states, לא ישא גוי אל גוי חרב ולא ילמדו עוד מלחמה – Nation will not lift sword against nation and war will not be taught anymore. By the fact that weapons will be destroyed in the times of Moshiach, we see that they are disgusting and not ornaments.

In the Gemara Rebbe Eliezer answered that the weapons are going to be destroyed because at that point they will no longer be needed, not because they are a גנאי.

  • Life in the days of Moshiach

Shmuel holds אין בין העולם הזה לימות המשיח אלא שעבוד גליות בלבד – There is no difference between this world and the days of Moshiach except that there will be no more subjugation of the Jewish people in exile, as it says in the passuk, כי לא יחדל אביון מקרב הארץ – For the poor will not cease from the midst of the land.  Weapons will still exist in the times of Moshiach. The prophecy about weapons not existing in the future (as well as all other such prophecies about the future), was referring to a later period of time, the time of Olam Haba.

The Maharsha understands Olam Haba here to mean during the time of techiyas hameisim (Resurrection of the Dead) when there will be a physical existence.

  • Biris - leg garter

The Mishnah stated that a biris is tahorah and one can go out wearing it on Shabbos. The Gemara explains that a biris is a leg garter, a band worn on the calf of the leg to hold up stockings.

Rashi explains that the biris is tahorah (meaning it is not susceptible to tumah) because it does not directly serve the woman, rather it is only a kli that is there to serve another keli, its purpose is to hold up the stockings.  She is permitted to wear it on Shabbos since there is no concern that she will take it off to show a friend, because then her leg will become uncovered.