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Resources for Chagigah daf 25

מראה מקומות

1.     ריש לקיש says that there is a רצועה in ארץ ישראל of כותים that has טומאה. The question is what exact halachic status did this רצועה have? See the משנה למלך inהלכות טומאת מת פּרק י"א הלּ ו who discusses this and says that in רש"י here it seems that this רצועה refers to the regular דין חוץ לארץ that somehow made its way into the land of Israel. However, see the ר"ח here who seems to disagree and says that the issue was “מדור הכותים” which is a גזרה that the place of living of an עכו"ם is טמא because they bury their נפלים in their house. See also the רמב"ם in the פּירוש המשניות here who says as follows: “the גליל in the גמרא is לאו דוקה. Rather, everywhere in Israel besides יהודה was inhabited by עכו"ם and it was therefore impossible to make sure that טהרות didn’t become טמא. As such, the גליל and everywhere else besides יהודה had a דין of ארץ העמים”. According to both the רמב"ם and ר"ח it sounds like the issue was not that there was a strain of חוץ לארץ in Israel but rather that it was חשש of מדור עכו"ם which they were גוזר on even in Israel. The משנה למלך also brings a כפתור ופרח that says like the ר"ח as well.


See the שו"ת שבט הלוי חלק ב סימן ר"ט who asks why כהנים today are allowed to travel between יהודה and גליל since there is an איסור to travel to ארץ העמים for no reason. He answers that in רש"י’s שיטה one could say that since טומאת ארץ העמום is only דרבנן they did not impose it on כהנים. According to the רמב"ם’s שיטה one could say that if nowadays it isn’t a מדור עכו"ם anymore then it’s טהור.


2.     The גמרא discusses the concept of אוהל זרוק. There is an important מחלוקת ראשונים as to what and when we consider something an אוהל זרוק. See תוספות here in ד"ה אהל who says in the name of the ר"י that if the אוהל is flying madly through the air everyone agrees it is not an אוהל. If it could move but isn’t moving, everyone agrees it is an אוהל. The only מחלוקת is when it is traveling on the ground. However, see the רשב"א in עירובין דף ל׳ ע"ב who brings the ר"ח who says that the מחלוקת in our גמרא is only when the item is not moving at all. The mere fact that it could move makes it considered an אוהל זרוק. However, if the box is actually moving, then according to everyone it is not considered an אוהל. See the משנה למלך in  הלכות טומאת מת פּרק י"א הל׳ א ד"ה ועוד נראה לומר who points out that תוספות in נזיר דף ס"ה ד"ה והתניא is clear that the מחלוקת is where the box is being carried on a person or animal’s back which is standing on the ground which is in between flying in the air and actually being on the ground. It sounds like if the box were to be dragged on the floor itself it would be considered an אוהל even though it is moving. This would also work with the רמב"ם in הלכות טומאת מת פּרק י"א הל׳ ה who says שידה תיבה ומגדל which are פּורחין באויר are not חוצץ which sounds like if they are dragged on the floor they are.


See also the פּני יהושע in סוכה דף כ"א ד"ה בתוספות בפ"ה על גביהן who says that the whole דין of אוהל זרוק is only a חומרא דרבנן but is never a קולא. See also the חידושי רב חיים על הרמב"ם in הלכות טומאת מת, פּרק י"א הל׳ ה who also says that while an אוהל זרוק is only not חוצץ בפני הטומאה, it functions as an אוהל to bring טומאה.

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