1,753. The Husband Re-Assigning the Wife's Agent

Hilchos Geirushin 6:9

If a woman appoints an agent in front of witnesses and tells him to take her get and hold onto it for her, then he is an agent of reception just as if he was told to accept the get for her. A woman can appoint a receiving agent to accept her get from an agent appointed by her husband. A girl under the age of majority cannot appoint a receiving agent even though she can acquire property through her courtyard the same way that an adult woman does. This is because appointing a receiving agent requires witnesses and witnesses can’t testify about a minor since minors are not considered to have achieved mental competence.

Hilchos Geirushin 6:10

Let’s say that a woman appointed a receiving agent but her husband told the agent that he doesn’t want him to accept the get for her. Rather, he wants the agent to deliver the get to her. The husband has this right and the agent becomes an agent of delivery instead of a receiving agent. If the husband tells the agent to accept the get for the woman, or to acquire it for her, he doesn’t affect the agent’s original assignment; if he tells the agent to deliver it to her, then he has revoked the assignment that the wife gave him as a receiving agent and turned him into the husband’s delivery agent. If the husband tells the agent to bring the get and give it to the woman, he has likewise revoked the agent’s original assignment.