1,752. Invalid Witnesses Serving as Agents

Hilchos Geirushin 6:7

Women, close relatives and those who may not serve as witnesses in court cases for violating rabbinic laws may still act as agents for a divorce; those who may not serve as witnesses for violating Biblical laws may not. If such a person delivers a get, the divorce is not accepted. This is the case when the signatures on the get have been validated; if we have to rely on the word of one who was disqualified for violating Torah law, then the divorce is completely invalid.

Hilchos Geirushin 6:8

If the agent was a minor when he was handed the get but he reached the age of majority when he delivered it, or if a person with congenital deafness acquired the ability to hear and speak, or if a person lacking mental competence regained his faculties, or if he wasn’t Jewish but he converted, or if he was a servant and was freed, in all of these cases the divorce is invalid. However, if the man gave the get to an agent who was able to hear and speak and he subsequently lost these abilities and later regained them, or if the agent was mentally competent but he lost his faculties and later regained them before delivering the get, in such cases the divorce is valid because the agent was qualified at the beginning (when he received the get) and at the end (when he delivered it).