1,749. An Agent for Receiving a Get

Hilchos Geirushin 6:1

One who is appointed by a woman to accept the get from her husband is called the agent of receiving. Divorce is effected once the get reaches this agent’s hand, the same as it would be upon reaching the woman’s own hand. The agent must be appointed in front of two witnesses; two witnesses must also be present when the get is given to the agent. It is acceptable for one or both of the first witnesses to also serve as the second witnesses.

Hilchos Geirushin 6:2

The need for witnesses applies when the get has been lost or ripped. If the get is in possession of the receiving agent, witnesses are unnecessary regardless of whether the husband gave him the get in private or in front of witnesses. The get being in the agent’s possession is the same as being in the woman’s possession. Nevertheless, the get should optimally only be transferred in front of witnesses just like when it is given to the woman herself.