Siman - Shabbos 32

  • Standing in a dangerous place

Rebbe Yannai said: לעולם אל יעמוד אדם במקום סכנה – A person should never stand in a dangerous place, לומר שעושין לו נס - and say to himself that a miracle will be performed for him to save him from harm, because it is possible that a miracle will not be performed for him. Furthermore even if a miracle is indeed performed for him, מנכין לו מזכיותיו – they deduct it from his merits.

Rebbe Chanin brought the following passuk to support the above principle. When Yaakov davened to Hashem before confronting Eisav, Yaakov said , קטנתי מכל החסדים ומכל האמת אשר עשית את עבדך – I have been diminished by all the kindnesses and by all of the truth that You have done for Your servant. Yaakov Avinu was fearful that despite all of his merits, Eisav had the ability to hurt him due to the fact that Hashem had given him so much.  The goodness that he had received from Hashem may have diminished the merits of his good deeds. .

  • Davening one should not get sick

Rav Yitzchak the son of Rav Yehudah said: לעולם יבקש אדם רחמים שלא יחלה, A person should always

ask mercy from Hashem that he should not become sick, for if he becomes sick the Beis Din shel  Maalah (The Heavenly Tribunal) says to him, הבה זכות והפטר - Bring us a merit and you will be set free, meaning the burden of proof is on him.

Mar Ukva brings a support for this principle from the parsha of מעקה, the mitzvah to build a fence around one’s roof. The passuk says, כי יפול הנפל ממנו, If a fallen one falls from it (a roof). The phrase “from it”, can also be read “from him[w1] ,” thereby implying that it is up to the one falling to bring evidence of his worthiness to live.

Being careful with tzitzis

Reish Lakish said: Whoever is careful with the mitzvah of Tzitzis shall merit to have two thousand and eight hundred servants to serve him. This is based on the passuk in Zecharyah, כה אמר ה' צבקות – So says the Lord of Hosts, בימים ההמה אשר יחזיקו עשרה אנשים מכל לשנות הגוים – In those days it shall come to pass that ten men of each of the languages of the nations וחזיקו בכנף איש יהודי לאמר – they shall take hold of the corners of a Jewish person, saying: נלכה עמכם  - “We will go with you.”

Rashi explains that since there will be ten men from each of the seventy nations “holding on” to each corner, equaling seven hundred, there will be a total of twenty-eight hundred on all four corners.
