Siman - Shabbos Daf 13
- Eating meat and milk at the same table
Rabban Shimon ben Gamliel says that two lodgers can eat at the same table even though one is eating meat and the other is eating milk.
Rav Chanin bar Ami said in the name of Shmuel that this is only when they do not know each other, and therefore it is unlikely that they would take food from one another.
- The Eighteen Enactments
In the the next Mishna we learn that while the Rabbonim were visiting Chananya ben Chizkiyahu ben Garon in his upper chamber, a vote was taken on a number of issues. Beis Shammai outnumbered Beis Hillel, and eighteen measures were enacted on that day.
- Chananya ben Chizkiyahu ben Garon
The Gemara provides some background on Chananya ben Chizkiyahu and his achievements:
A Baraisa identifies him and his colleagues as the authors of Megillas Taanis. This was a scroll compiled at the end of Bayis Sheini[O1] which lists dates that are treated as minor festivals in which fasting is prohibited on account of miraculous salvations which[O2] occurred on them.
The Baraisa explains that they wrote the Megillah because they “cherished the troubles” that befell them. What this means is that they understood they were fully deserving of the hardships and cherished that Hashem[O3] had miraculously saved Klal Yisrael on those days. They therefore established those dates to be celebrated as minor holidays, and recorded them for posterity.
Rav Yehudah said in the name of Rav that the Chananyah ben Chizkiyahu should be remembered favorably for reconciling all the seeming contradictions between Sefer Yechezkel and the Torah. He secluded himself in his upper chamber for an extended period of time until he reconciled the various passukim. Sefer Yechezkel would have been hidden away if he had not done so.