1,722. A Lost Get

Hilchos Geirushin 3:9

Let’s say that a get is lost and later recovered. If it was lost in a place where caravans don’t travel, then we assume that the get that was lost is the same one that was found. It may therefore be used even if a long time has passed since it was lost. However, if it was lost in a place where caravans travel, we only assume that it is the same get if it was found right away, before any travelers remain there, or if it was found in its original container and the one who lost it can identify the length and width of the get inside.

Hilchos Geirushin 3:10

If it’s known that there’s another local man with the same name as the one written in the lost get and another person passes by the place where the get was lost, we consider the possibility that the found get belongs to that other man; this is so even if the passerby didn’t remain in that spot. If the woman is divorced using this get, it is doubtful whether or not divorce is effected. However, if no one else passed by that place, then we assume that it’s the same get even when there are two men with the same name.