Siman - Berachos Daf 57

  • Visions of tefillah in dreams

The Gemara lists dream visions that include elements of tefillah, along with their meaning:

One who responds "אמן יהא שמיה רבה מברך" in a dream is assured of being destined for Olam Haba.

One who recites Krias Shema in a dream is fit to have the Shechinah dwell upon him, except that his generation doesn’t merit having it happen.

One who dreams of laying tefillin should anticipate growing in greatness.

  • Waking up with a passuk

R’ Yochanan says that if one wakes up and a verse “fell into his mouth,” i.e. immediately came to mind, this is a type of minor prophecy.

  • One sixtieth

Five things are considered a sixtieth of something else:

1.Fire is a sixtieth part of Gehinnom.

2.Honey is a sixtieth part of the manna.

3.Shabbos is a sixtieth part of Olam Haba.

4.Sleep is a sixtieth part of death.

5.A dream is a sixtieth part of prophecy.