1,710. A Husband Must Call for a Get

Hilchos Geirushin 2:5

The husband must personally direct the scribe to write the get and the witnesses to sign it. If the court or two people ask a man if they should write a get for his wife and he says yes, it is acceptable for them to write and sign the get. However, if they told a scribe to write it and witnesses to sign it, the get is invalid because it was written by someone not so instructed by the husband. The get is invalid even if they give it to the husband, who then delivers it to his wife in front of witnesses.

Hilchos Geirushin 2:6

Let’s say that a man tells two or three other people to instruct a scribe to write a get for his wife and witnesses to sign it. If they follow these instructions, the get is invalid. This is also the case if he tells two people to have a scribe to write the get and for them to sign it themselves. Such a get is close to being invalid at the Biblical level.