1,708. Appointing an Agent

Hilchos Geirushin 2:1

When Deuteronomy 24:1 says, “he shall write a bill of divorce for her and put it in her hand,” it applies equally to a man who writes a get himself and one who appoints an agent to write it for him. He may put the get in his wife’s hand personally or have an agent do it. “He shall write…" only teaches us that divorce must be effected through a written document; “…and put it” teaches us that a woman may not take the get herself.

Hilchos Geirushin 2:2

If a man tells two others to write a get, sign it and deliver it to his wife, they may write it, sign it and deliver it; they’re both the man’s agents and his witnesses. Similarly, if a man tells a scribe to write a get for his wife, and he tells witnesses to sign it, the get may be written, signed and delivered to him. The man can then use this get to divorce his wife at a time of his choosing.