314. Long day!: The obligation to bring an additional sacrifice on Yom Kippur

…and you shall present an offering by fire to God. (Leviticus 23:27)

As with Rosh Hashana two verses earlier, we are directed to bring an additional sacrifice, called a korban musaf, on Yom Kippur. As with Rosh Hashana, the details of the sacrifice are found in parshas Pinchas (Numbers chapter 29). And, as with Rosh Hashana, we substitute the musaf prayer service for the sacrifice in the absence of the Temple. The Yom Kippur musaf, describing the Temple service of the day in great detail, is the focal point of the daytime Yom Kippur prayers. (The Yom Kippur prayers have many focal points!)

As we have said regarding other musaf offerings, the reason for such sacrifices is to reflect upon the special meaning of each holiday.

This mitzvah applied in Temple times. It is a mitzvah for the entire community but the responsibility to carry it out fell on the kohanim, whose job it was to offer the sacrifices. This mitzvah is discussed in the Talmud in tractate Yoma on page 70a-b and is codified in the Mishneh Torah in the tenth chapter of Hilchos Tamidin. It is #48 of the 248 positive mitzvos in the Rambam’s Sefer HaMitzvos.