1,703. Reading the Get Aloud

Hilchos Geirushin 1:19

The get must be read out loud in front of the witnesses to its delivery, after which it is given to the woman; if it was first given to her in front of the witnesses, it should be taken from her and read afterwards. The get should be read while it is still in the possession of the husband or his agent; after reading the get, it is returned to him. If his hand hides it from the witnesses’ view and he then gives it to the woman, it must be read again.

Hilchos Geirushin 1:20

Let’s say they didn’t re-read the get. Rather, it was thrown into the sea or a fire. Nevertheless, divorce is effected. Since the witnesses read it the first time, we are not concerned that it might have been switched. Even if the man claims that he gave his wife a different document and not the get that they read, he is not believed and divorce is effected.