1,698. Placing the Get in the Woman's Hand

Hilchos Geirushin 1:9

We see that a get must be given for purposes of divorce from the fact that the Torah says that the husband must write “a bill of divorce for her (and) put it in her hand,” i.e., it must be put in her hand for purposes of divorce. If he gave her the get as a promissory note or for use as a mezuzah, or if he put it in her hand when she was asleep so that she woke up to find the get in her hand, then it is invalid. If he subsequently told her, “Behold this is your get,” then divorce is effected.

Hilchos Geirushin 1:10

If a man says to his witnesses, “See this get that I am giving her” but he tells his wife, “Take this promissory note,” the get is valid. This is because he told the witnesses that he’s giving it to her for purposes of divorce; he only told her that it was a promissory note because he was embarrassed.