1,687. Seclusion in the Absence of "Bitter Waters"

Hilchos Ishus 24:25

Let’s say that a husband tells his wife not to seclude herself with a certain man but there are no witnesses to this. He subsequently observed her entering a private place with that man, where they remained long enough to engage in intimate relations. Nowadays, in the absence of the “bitter waters,” the wife is rendered prohibited to her husband. He must divorce her and pay the value of her kesubah. If she admits to being secluded with that man after receiving the warning, she must be divorced without being paid the value of her kesubah. Accordingly, she must take an oath regarding the matter, after which he must pay her the value of her kesubah.

Hilchos Ishus 25:1

If a man marries a woman without making any conditions about vows and she is subsequently found to be encumbered by vows, he may divorce her without paying her the value of her kesubah, neither the baseline amount nor the additional sum. This applies to vows not to eat meat, drink wine, or wear colored clothes or other things normally worn by women in that area. If she is encumbered by other vows, she doesn’t lose anything.