Siman - Berachos Daf 30

  • Davening facing towards Yerushalayim

One must daven facing towards Yerushalayim, the Beis Hamikdash and the Kodesh Hakadashim.

-This is derived from the pasuk כמגדל דויד צוארך בנוי לתלפיות – Like the tower of David is your neck, built as a landmark, which the Gemara explicates as תל שכל פיות פונים בו – A hill towards which all mouths turn.

  • Davening when going on an early morning trip

There is a machlokes regarding how one who must travel early in the morning, before the time of tefillah, should proceed. The dispute hinges on which requirement is more important—davening Shemoneh Esrei while standing or juxtaposing redemption to tefillah (סומך גאולה לתפילה)

-The Tanna Kamma holds that it is more important to daven Shemoneh  Esrei while standing;  thus the traveler should daven at home, standing, and then recite Krias Shema on the journey when the time comes.

-R’ Shimon ben Elazar holds that juxtaposing redemption to tefillah is more important, so the traveler should start his journey without saying Shemoneh Esrei and then recite Krias Shema at the proper time, followed by Shemoneh Esrei , even if it must be said sitting.

  • The source for davening with an attitude of reverence

The source for the requirement that one daven with an attitude of reverence (כובד ראש) is the pasuk עבדו את ה' ביראה וגילו ברעדה – Serve Hashem with awe, and rejoice with trepidation.