The Yoledes on Shabbos
Courtesy of Ohr Olam Mishnah Berurah
A woman giving birth is considered in Halachah to be a dangerously ill person, and it is permitted, indeed it is a mitzvah, to desecrate the Shabbos155 on her behalf. Once a woman is in labor, she, her husband, or anyone else who is in a position to do so must do everything they can to ensure the safety of mother and baby. Nevertheless, whatever can be done before Shabbos to minimize the desecration of Shabbos must be done in advance.156 Indeed, an early authority157 mentions that a person should pray that his wife not give birth on Shabbos so that the Shabbos need not be desecrated on her behalf. Accordingly, a woman who enters the initial stages of labor before Shabbos, although she would normally delay going to the hospital for as long as possible, should travel to the hospital before Shabbos begins so that she will not have to travel on Shabbos.158
Once a woman enters her ninth month of pregnancy, she should prepare herself for the possibility of a Shabbos delivery. The following can and must be done before Shabbos:
- The phone number of the doctor and of a non-Jewish neighbor, ambulance or taxi service should be noted in an easily accessible, non-muktzeh location.
- Make available for use a phone that has the fewest number of “gadgets” possible, e.g., no lights, unnecessary sound effects or digital readouts. If possible, avoid using a cell phone, since a light turns on as soon as it is opened.
- Program the phone numbers for the doctor and the non-Jewish driver into the phone memory, so that on Shabbos you need only press the memory button to complete the call.
- When possible, payment for transportation should be arranged to be paid before or after Shabbos. If this cannot be arranged, money should be placed before Shabbos in an envelope, which the driver can be instructed to pick up himself before driving to the hospital.
- Whatever house, garage or yard lights that would be needed to facilitate leaving for the hospital in the middle of the night should be turned on before Shabbos.159
- Personal items the woman will need at the hospital should be packed in a bag before Shabbos.
- Arrangements for a baby-sitter to stay with other children should be made before Shabbos.
Question: What is permitted to be done once a woman feels she is getting close to giving birth?
Discussion: As soon as a woman experiences steady contractions or her water breaks, even though she is not quite sure that she is ready to give birth, she (or any other person) may call a doctor and follow his instructions. If the doctor instructs her to go to the hospital, she should prepare herself to travel as soon as possible. She should not wait for the latter stages of labor before going to the hospital.160
If the call to the doctor is being made while the yoledes is still in the initial stages of labor, a shinui should be used, e.g., the receiver should be lifted off its cradle in an unusual manner, e.g., with one’s elbow or teeth.161 [If practical, the phone call should be made by a non-Jew or a minor. When using a minor, it is preferable not to use one’s own child162.] The conversation should be limited to a bare minimum, although it is permitted to say “hello” and “thank you,” etc.163 After the conversation is over, the receiver may not be returned to the cradle unless the phone line might be needed for the sake of the patient. Even then, a shinui should be used, e.g., the receiver should be replaced in an unusual manner, as described earlier.164
155. Many of the following halachos pertain to Yom Tov as well.
157. Sefer Chasidim 793, based on the Talmud, Niddah 38a.
158. Shemiras Shabbos K’hilchasah 36:7 quoting Ketzos ha-Shulchan. See similar ruling in Igros Moshe, O.C. 1:131 concerning a doctor who may be needed for Shabbos duty.
161. Another option is to tie a string to the receiver before Shabbos, and then lift (or hang up) the receiver on Shabbos by lifting the string. When these options are not workable, the next best method is to use the telephone with two hands or to have two people dial. See Nishmas Avraham vol. 5, pg. 44-45 for an explanation.
162. See Sha’ar ha-Tziyun 334:54.
163. Rav S.Z. Auerbach (quoted in Shemiras Shabbos K’hilchasah 32:114).
164. It is important to repeat that a shinui should be employed only when time permits. Once heavy labor is under way, everything should be done in the speediest, safest manner, as if the labor were taking place on a weekday.