Siman - Berachos Daf 29

  • Differing number of berachos in various Amidahs

The Gemara explains the differing number of berachos in the various Amidahs recited on special days:

-The seven berachos in the Shabbos Amidah correspond to the seven kolos (sounds) that Dovid Hamelech mentioned in Psalm 29.

-The nine berachos in the Rosh Hashanah Amidah correspond to the nine times Chanah uttered Hashem’s name in her tefillah.

-The 24 berachos in the fast day Amidah correspond to the 24 expressions of song (רננות) that Shlomo Hamelech recited on the day the Aron was brought into the Kodesh Hakadashim (Holy of Holies).

  •  A number of additional tefillos are introduced:

- הביננו (Havineinu) - an abridged version of Shemoneh Esrei

- תפילה קצרה במקום סכנה - A short tefillah recited when in a dangerous place

-תפילת הדרך – Tefillas Haderech, the traveler’s prayer

  •  The meaning of making one's tefillah "keva"

The Gemara cites four opinions regarding the meaning of “keva” (קבע) in R’ Eliezer’s statement that one should not make his tefillahkeva.

-Treating one’s tefillah like a burden

-Not davening like a supplicant (דרך תחנונים)

-Not innovating anything in one’s tefillah, i.e. not introducing any new requests from one tefillah to the next

- Not davening when the sun is red, meaning immediately after sunrise