Siman - Berachos Daf 28

  • Hundreds of talmidim enter the beis midrash

On the day that R’ Elazar ben Azaryah became the Nasi, the doors to the beis midrash were opened to all the talmidim who had been excluded by R’ Gamliel because they were not as good on the inside as they appeared on the outside (שאין תוכו כברו). As a result of their participation, all heretofore unresolved halachos were resolved that day.

 -Masechta Eduyos is composed of halachos that were taught that day, and wherever in Shas the term “that day” (בו ביום) is used it refers to that day.

  • Final words from R’ Eliezer and R’ Yochanan ben Zakkai to their talmidim

The Gemara relates what two ailing Tanna’im said to their talmidim:

 -R’ Eliezer said (among other things) כשאתם מתפללים דעו לפני מי אתם עומדים – When you daven, know before whom you are standing.

 -R’ Yochanan Ben Zakai blessed his students from his deathbed – יהי רצון שתהא מורא שמים עליכם כמורא בשר ודם - May it be Hashem’s will that your fear of Heaven be as great as your fear of man.

  • What 18 berachos in the Amidah correspond to

The Gemara brings a three-way machlokes regarding what the 18 blessings in the Amidah correspond to:

- The 18 times Hashem’s name appears in Psalm 29 – הבו לה' בני אלים

- The 18 times His name appears in Krias Shema

- The 18 vertebrae in the spine

- The nineteenth blessing (הצדוקים ברכת) was composed by Shmuel Hakatan against the heretics.