Siman - Berachos Daf 26

  • Excrement in front of a person

According to Rav Huna, when the Mishnah said that one must be four amos away from excrement in order to recite Krias Shema, it was referring to when it is behind the person. If it’s in front of the person, then it’s prohibited to recite Shema as long as it is in one’s field of vision. 

  •  Making up for missed tefillos

After introducing the time periods of various tefillos in the perek’s opening Mishnah, the Gemara teachers that one may make up for missed tefillos (תשלומים) as follows:

-         If one missed Minchah, he may daven Maariv twice even though it is not the same  day.

-         If one missed Minchah Erev Shabbos, he may daven the Shabbos Maariv twice, even  though it is not the same Shemoneh Esrei.

-         If one missed Shabbos Minchah, he may daven the weekday Maariv twice, inserting  Havdalah in the first Maariv.

  •  The source for davening three times a day

The Gemara brings a machlokes whether davening three times a day originates with the Avos (אבות תקנום) or the Anshei Knesses Hagdolah (the Men of the Great Assembly), who instituted the tefillos to correspond to the daily tamid offerings (כנגד תמידין תקנום).