Siman - Berachos Daf 25

  • Reciting Krias Shema near a foul smelling substance

There is a machlokes regarding how far one must be from a foul odor that emanates from a substance (ריח רע שיש לו עיקר) to recite Krias Shema:

 - Rav Huna holds the person must be four amos away from the actual substance.

- Rav Chisdah holds the person must be four amos away from spot where the odor stops.

  •  Learning with an odor without substance

While it is forbidden to say Krias Shema if there is an odor without substance (ריח רע שאין לו עיקר) Rav Sheishes ruled that it is permitted to learn if the smell is coming from another person.

This is learned from the fact that people learned in a place where people dozed on mats.

  •  Reciting Krias Shema opposite a chamber pot

It is forbidden to recite Krias Shema opposite a clay chamber pot (גרף של רעי) used for excrement or urine, even if there is nothing in it, since it is especially absorbent and makes the vessel repulsive.