Siman - Berachos Daf 21

  • Two Biblically mandated berachos

The Gemara identifies the sources for two Biblically mandated berachos.

a.Birkas Hamazon – "ואכלת ושבעת וברכת"  - and you shall eat, be satisfied and bless

b.Birkas HaTorah– "כי שם ה' אקרא הבו גדל לאלקינו"  - when I call the name of Hashem, ascribe greatness to our G-d

  • Is Krias Shema Biblical or Rabbinic?

There is a machlokes whether the obligation to recite Krias Shema is Biblical or Rabbinic.

According to Rav Yehuda, the Biblical obligation of ובשכבך ובקמך (and when you lie down and arise) is to recite any section of the Torah, once in the morning and once in the evening. The fact that we fulfill this requirement by reciting the words of Shema is Rabbinic.

  • Latecomer to Shul

There is a  machlokes regarding at what point a latecomer to shul can join the tzibbur (congregation) if they are in the middle of davening Shemoneh Esrei.

One view permits it only if he can finish before the shliach tzibbur (the one leading the davening) reaches Kedushah; the other view holds that he only needs to finish before the shliach tzibbur reaches Modim.