Siman - Berachos Daf 20

  • Why miracles occurred for earlier generations

Earlier generations merited seeing miracles that later generations—despite their superiority in breadth and mastery of Torah—did not, because the earlier generations were moser nefesh (sacrificed themselves) for kiddush Hashem (to sanctify G-d’s name).

-Example: Rav Adda bar Ahavah tore an inappropriate garment off a woman walking in the street because he thought she was Jewish.

  • A woman's obligation to recite birkas hamazon

Is the obligation for women to recite birkas hamazon Biblical or Rabbinic? The practical difference would be whether they can recite birkas hamazon on behalf of men, who are Biblically obligated.  

  • Takanas Ezra and Har Sinai

Ezra’s takanah (decree) requires a baal keri (one who experiences a seminal discharge) to immerse in a mikveh in order to speak words of Torah and to daven. The takanah was modeled on the events at Har Sinai, where immersion was required for the recitation of words of Torah.

- Thinking Torah thoughts without immersion is permitted.