Siman - Berachos Daf 19

  • Disparaging a deceased talmid chacham

Anyone who disparages a deceased talmid chacham ultimately falls into Gehinnom.

- כל המספר אחר מטתן של תלמידי חכמים נופל בגיהנים

  • Do not open mouth to the Satan

One should never open himself up to prosecution by the Satan by saying of himself that he is worthy of punishment.

-אל תפתח פה לשטן

  • Personal dignity (kavod habrios) does not override a Torah


Rav taught that if someone discovers shaatnez in his clothing he must remove the garment even in the middle of the marketplace, because where there is a threat of chillul Hashem (meaning violating a Biblical prohibition) we do not worry about a person’s dignity (kavod habrios).

-This is based on the pasuk,"אין חכמה אין תבונה אין עצה לנגד ה'"

There is no value to wisdom, or understanding, or counsel when weighed against the honor of Hashem.

 - Respect for a person’s dignity does, however, override a Rabbinic prohibition.