383. Crackle and Pop: The prohibition against breaking the bones of the Pesach sheini

…they shall not break a bone of it… (Numbers 9:12)

As with the regular korban Pesach, we are not permitted to break a bone of the Pesach sheini. The reason for this, as in Mitzvah #16, is that it is not the manner of dignified people of leisure “to scrape the bones and break them like dogs.” Since we are meant to act in the manner of the elite on Pesach, we do not break the bones to suck the marrow.

This mitzvah only applies to men in Temple times. It is discussed in the Talmud in the ninth chapter of tractate Pesachim. This mitzvah is codified in the Mishneh Torah in the fifth and sixth chapters of Hilchos Korban Pesach and is #122 of the 365 negative mitzvos in the Rambam’s Sefer HaMitzvos.