Siman - Berachos Daf 17
- Individual tefillos recited after Shemoneh Esrei
The individual tefillos that various Tanna’im and Amora’im recited after Shemoneh Esrei. Included in this list are some that were incorporated into our tefillos:
a)The tefillah recited after the Viduy of Yom Kippur –... אלקי עד שלא נוצרתי
b)The tefillah recited after Shemoneh Esrei – אלקי נצור לשוני מרע...
Mentioned at the bottom of 16b are:
c)The tefillah when we bless the new moon – שתתן לנו חיים ארוכים...
d)The tefillah after Hamaavir sheinah meinai – שתצלינו מעזי פנים...
- Why women merit Olam Haba
Women merit Olam Haba for bringing their children to school and letting their husbands learn, even though they have to wait for them to return.
- Things that make a person look haughty
The concern over doing things that might make a person look haughty, such as a chassan reciting Krias Shema on his wedding night.