1,667. The Proceeds of Proceeds

Hilchos Ishus 23:3

If a man makes a condition with his wife that he will not receive the proceeds generated by her property, then he is no longer entitled to them. Nevertheless, the proceeds should be converted to cash and used to buy real estate, from which he may benefit. This is because he only waived his rights to proceeds generated by her initial property.

Hilchos Ishus 23:4

If a man made a condition that he wouldn’t receive the proceeds generated by his wife’s property, nor those generated by property purchased with those proceeds, then the proceeds from that second property should be used to purchase still other real estate, from which he may receive the proceeds generated. This is called “the proceeds’ proceeds’ proceeds.” We continue in this way until the husband makes a condition waiving his rights to any derivative proceeds of his wife’s property. Once he does this, he has no rights to any proceeds so long as she lives. However, if she predeceases him, he still inherits all of her property.