Siman - Berachos Daf 9

  • Machlokes regarding time to eat the Korban Pesach

There is a machlokes whether the korban Pesach must be eaten before chatzos or until the morning. The machlokes is based on whether the time of haste, (שעת חפזון) that is mentioned with regards to the time for eating the Korban Pesach, is referring to the haste of the Egyptians to free bnei Yisroel, which occurred at night, or the haste of bnei Yisroel to leave, which was in the morning.

  • Earliest time to recite Krias Shema in the morning

The Mishnah discusses the proper time to recite Krias Shema in the morning; the Gemara concludes it is when one can recognize ((משיכיר a friend at a distance of four amos.

  • Greeting a king

One should always try to greet a Jewish king. Even greeting a non-Jewish king is valuable so in Olam Haba will be able to better appreciate the kavod given to a Jewish king.