1,660. A Wife's Produce, Servants and Animals

Hilchos Ishus 22:24

If a woman inherits produce that is still attached to the ground, it belongs to her husband; if the produce has been detached from the ground, it should be sold and used to purchase real estate, from which the husband is entitled to the proceeds. However, if a man divorces his wife and there was produce still attached to the ground, it belongs to her; if it has already been harvested, then it belongs to him.

Hilchos Ishus 22:25

A man is required to provide for the maintenance and the needs of servants and animals belonging to his wife. They are considered “melug” property; they must work for the husband and he is entitled to profits that they generate. For example, a baby born to a handmaid of melug property belongs to the husband, as does a calf born to a cow that is classified of melug property. If the man divorces his wife, she has the option to pay the value of a child born from a melug handmaid and take the child. This is because these servants are the honor of her family.