Siman - Berachos Daf 8

  • Tefillos that require a timely response

Things that a person should daven for that require a timely response:

a)a good wife

b)an easy death

c)a burial

d)a nearby bathroom

This is learned from the passuk, “על זאת יתפלל כל חסיד אליך לעת מצא”, “Regarding this let every devout man pray to You: at the time [needed] a finding.” (Psalms 32:6) 

  • Hashem resides in the 4 amos of Halacha

Since the time of the destruction of the Beis HaMikdash, Hashem only has the four amos of Halachah in His world. (מיום שחרב בית המקדש אין להקב'ה בעולמו אלא ארבע אמות של הלכה)

  • שנים מקרא ואחד תרגום

One should always complete the weekly Parsha with the congregation readingשנים מקרא ואחד תרגום (reading twice in Hebrew and the Targum once). One who does so merits that his days and years are prolonged.