Siman - Berachos Daf 7
- Bilaam knows the moment Hashem gets angry
Bilaam knew the exact moment when HaKadosh Baruch Hu gets angry everyday which lasts a רגע (a moment). Rabbi Yehoshua knew it was when the rooster’s comb turns pale and stands on one foot.
- Moshe wants to know why the righteous suffer
Moshe requested after the chet ha’egel to understand tzaddik v’ra lo v’rasha v’tov lo, why bad occurs to the righteous and why the evil often prosper.
- Serving the wise is greater than learning from them
We learn from the fact that Elisha’s relationship to Eliyahu is characterized by his pouring water on his Rebbe’s hands that attending to a Talmud Chochom is greater than learning from him.
- גדולה שמושה של תורה יותר מלמודה