Siman - Berachos Daf 4

  • כחצות

Moshe said כחצות instead of giving the exact time, so the Egyptians would not question Hashem’s precision when carrying out makos bechoros.

  • ·סומך גאולה לתפילה

There is a machlokes whether one is required to be סומך גאולה לתפילה at night. If it is required, השכיבנו is considered גאולה אריכתא.

  • ·Ashrei 3x

One who says Ashrei three times a day is guaranteed a place in Olam Haba because:

a) One is using all the letters in aleph-beis to praise Hashem. (Except the letter nun)

b) It includes the pasuk of פותח את ידך