1,655. A Yevama Without a Kesubah

Hilchos Ishus 22:14

If a yevama has no kesubah or waived her rights to it, the deceased’s brother acquires his estate and can sell or give away from it as he sees fit. When he marries the yevama, he must write her a kesubah for 100 zuz. All of his property is considered mortgaged to the kesubah, the same as for any other woman with a kesubah.

Hilchos Ishus 22:15

If a woman sells “iron sheep” property to her husband or to others after she marries, her actions are meaningless (i.e., such a sale is ineffective). Similarly, if a husband sells real estate belonging to his wife, whether it was “iron sheep” property or “melug” property, his actions are meaningless.