1,635. A Dowry is Like a Debt

Hilchos Ishus 20:6

When it comes to paying a daughter one-tenth of an estate, she is considered like a creditor to her brothers, which means that she is paid from property of medium quality (neither the best nor the worst) and she doesn’t have to take an oath. If the brothers die, she can collect from their sons; in this case, she collects from property of lesser quality and she must take an oath. This is because she is now collecting from heirs and one who collects from heirs only collects from property of lesser quality and must take an oath, as we will see when we come to the laws of loans, IY”H.

Hilchos Ishus 20:7

If the brothers sold the real estate from their father’s estate or used it as collateral, then the daughter can collect her dowry from the buyers just as all creditors can collect their debts from buyers; this will likewise be discussed in the laws of loans, IY”H.